
Kim jestem? Na pewno kobietą. Kiedyś byłam atrakcyjna, teraz jestem kreatywna. Od kilku lat mieszkam w północnej wschodniej Anglii z mężem i psem. Robię zdjęcia, rysunki, unikalną biżuterię i parę innych rzeczy.

Zapraszam do czytania, oglądania i komentowania.

Who am I? Woman, that’s for sure. I used to be attractive. Now I am creative. From some years I live in north-east England with husband and dog. I take photos, make drawings, unique jewellery and some other things.


2 thoughts on “About”

  1. would it be possible to translate your web-site into spanish because i have difficulties of speaking to english, and as there usually are not numerous pictures in your internet site i’d prefer to go through a fantastic of what you may be writting

    • Unfortunately I don’t know Spanish at all. Some of my posts are in Polish, some in English. If you want you may try Google translate service, although it is not very accurate

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